Thembinkosi Goniwe (ZA), Parties in different spaces
The project will explore human contact, social interaction, personal experience and direct engagement with various local people in difference spaces. Through partying, casual gathering and unstructured conversations both the artists and ordinary people will have the opportunity to share and exchange (unmediated) experiences. The partying is anticipated to take place at different times and in different places with different people in Nyanga, Guguletu Langa, Observatory, Woodstock, and Cape Town.
The underlying objective is to make 'art' a direct experience on a very personalized way, thus this project is a performance art. As a performance art, this project intends to negotiate the space between what is defined as making art and observing art, for it is the experience of living it rather than doing it that is of concern. To live art is to experience it, directly in none-institutionalized spaces such galleries, museums, etc; it is to experience it with both aware viewers and unaware participants about its operation. And through partying in different spaces, at different times and with different people such experience is possible and socially, culturally, and more important personally charged.
The project has two phases: physical interaction in real time and place and correspondence between different times and places

Photo credit: Lebo Tlali.
Dear Thembi,
In Nyanga, after drinking some beer, I asked the woman who lives in the house for the bathroom. She anwered, as if telling a secret, that there wasn't one. I asked her to show me another possible place. So she touched my arm and led me into her house. There she gave me a bucket and I peed in the middle of the only room, feeling the relief of the solution so intimate. In Brazil, the name of the chicken on this postcard is Galhina d'Angola. I hope to see you soon,